Shuff for Apple Music

Easier than playlists!

Shuff for Apple Music mockup

Apple Music

Search for artists, albums, collections and genres in the Apple Music catalog and listen to great music using your subscription


You add music to it, you play it. It's easy to add and remove artists to a shufflist!


The app is free and available to download on the AppStore


App works on iPhone, iPad and music playback can be controlled using Apple Watch

App Screens

Shufflist vs Playlist

  • Combine Apple Music collections
  • Remove artist in a second
  • Get bored with the same music
  • Add genres
  • Add frequently updated Apple Music top-charts

Plain old playlist
you've seen everywhere

  • Combine Apple Music collections
  • Remove artist in a second
  • Get bored with the same music
  • Add genres
  • Add frequently updated
    Apple Music top-charts

The new easy
alternative to plain old playlist

  • Combine Apple Music collections
  • Remove artist in a second
  • Get bored with the same music
  • Add genres
  • Add frequently updated
    Apple Music top-charts

Ideas for your new shufflist

You can use shufflist in many situations, but here are some examples

  • Party

    Ask friends what music they like and add their favorite artists to a shufflist

  • Workouts

    Collect music that helps you get the most out of your workout routine in a special shufflist

  • Prepare yourself for a music festival

    Add all artists that will perform at the festival. You will know what to sing for the whole fest!

  • Change directions

    Start with one band that's on your mind. And alter your shufflist while you listen to it!

  • Listen for recommendations

    Collect albums your friends recommended to you in a dedicated shufflist

  • Mix not mixable

    Like classic music and Lil Peep? Mix them, we will not tell anyone!

  • Relax

    What about a cup of tea and a mix of blues and soft jazz?

  • Charts

    Apple Music has a lot of frequently updated collections, among them are top charts and new music. You can add those to a shufflist too!